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CANDIDATE MANIFESTO’S Please take a moment to read through candidate manifestos for 2019-20 Sports Executive Committee.

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Please take a moment to read through candidate manifestos for 2019-20 Sports Executive Committee.

Vice President

Candidates: 1

Alex Brock

I have loved getting to know everybody outside of my own club and enjoyed every single moment of my time over this academic year!

I know full-well the challenges to the role of Sports President, and no matter who is elected as Sports President 2019/2020, I hope to support them with all the knowledge and experience I have gained to ensure they have the best year possible and achieve everything they hope to.

Awards Officer

Candidates: 3

Jamie McLaren

I have been on the Harriers committee for 2 years now and have made an impact with increased numbers attending social events and inclusion of all members. I have also been an elected representative on the Awards Committee in my second year at Strathclyde and was fascinated at the amount of talent that the University had; I want to be a part of that again.

Eilidh Sneddon

My relevant experience:

  • Last year I took on the role of a team captain for hockey. I demonstrated a my commitment and leadership, as the team secured team promotion.
  • This year I stepped up taking on the role of Women’s Hockey Club Captain and Civil Engineering Vice President. Both roles involved being organised and confident handling large committees. Acting as a mediator, handling disagreements within large committees is something I have a great amount of experience with and would show when chairing Awards Committee meetings
  • I have previous experience in the awards nominations process and understand the system that is currently in place.
  • I have worked along the sports union for the last three years and really appreciate the work the staff and volunteers do. In the coming year, I would love to get more involved. Plans within the role.
  • I plan to continue to push for a wide cross section of sports to be represented within the awards committee, as success across all 53 clubs deserves to be recognised.
  • Work towards securing a clearer criteria for each sport for individuals to obtain full/half blues.
  • As Awards Officer I would like to celebrate the wider achievements of members of USSU including their efforts above and beyond their sport, as often many clubs and individuals challenge themselves, on and off the court, for good causes.
  • Having gone through the awards nomination process, there is a clear need to produce defined coherent documentation on awards criteria to ensure greater fairness and consistency.

Sarah Dunsmore

My relevant experience:

  • Open award nominations sooner/have it done before exam time and deadline date (e.g. week 6). Looking to do it start of term time.
  • Like to see awards more standardised amongst clubs. For some clubs, it seems to get half blues and full blues very difficult.
  • I want to make the whole system transparent, make sure people know exactly what each award is for.

Why am I suitable for the role?

  • I know Sports Union ethos and aims.
  • I have worked within a SU club for 2 years and been involved in sport since a young age.
  • I was recognised as the 2018-19 Club Captain of the Year for my efforts this year.
  • Liased with awards officer last year and feel I can build upon this.
Club Sport Officer

Candidates: 1

Euan Birse

I have been a loyal member of the badminton club from the second I joined Strathclyde in 2015. I have been in the badminton committee for 3 years in the roles Men’s 2nd Team Captain (16/17) and Club President (17/18, 18/19). Through these roles I have dedicated hours of my time to improve the club and help with our overall success. This included leading the team to the semi-finals of the BUCS Trophy and to winning the Scottish 1A League twice. In the role of Club Sport Officer, I would use this experience to try and benefit all clubs within the Sports Union, focusing on finding high quality coaches and ensuring athletes get as much support as possible.

Using my experience with the Club Management Portal and Club Mark documents, I will also continue the good work that has been undertaken this year in developing the Club Mark system and making it as easy as possible for committees to work with. I’d really love to get involved with the Sports Exec, as sport is something I feel passionately about. Overall, I’m a well-rounded sportsperson, having also participated in sports such as rowing, swimming, tennis and trampolining. I can also cut some mad shapes on the dance floor.

Events Officer

Candidates: 1

Kirsty Harkness

Last year I was the social captain of Strath Cheer. I thoroughly enjoyed this role, organising dinners and weekly socials for the club. I would like to use the skills I gained through this experience as Events Officer on the Sports Executive. I particularly enjoyed organising socials with other clubs and so I would love to work with all the clubs who are part of the Sports Union. I’d like to organise events where clubs can get involved with one another on a more regular basis and bring back Strathclyde’s Take Me Out and Blind Dates.

Executive Officer

Candidates: 2

Kirsty Johnson

Hi, my name is Kirsty and I’ve been involved in sports throughout my entire time at Strathclyde. I’m part of the netball club and have been Secretary, 2s Captain and this year, Club Captain. I wish to be your executive officer so that I can help to promote sport at Strathclyde and help you to develop each and every club!

I believe that I am a good fit for this role because:

  • I’m very familiar with the Sports Union and usual procedures.
  • I have had a successful year as netball captain and feel that I can use my skills and contacts to help more clubs.
  • I’m familiar with strategic plans for uni sports clubs, as this is something I’ve worked on a lot as netball captain this year.
  • I have built a good relationship with the university kit provider this year through various kit orders for the netball club.
  • I’m keen to help wherever I can.
  • I’m super organised and very fair – please vote for me!

Ewan McDonald

I am very supportive and will be able to assist all of the Sports Executive Committee to make sure that we are the best organisation we can be. I will be able to represent and support the needs of all of the clubs and make sure that there is an emphasis on inclusion in sport. Break down the barriers between recreational and competitive side of sport, making everyone feel welcome.

I am a hardworking, dedicated and organised person who would give everything I have into this role.

Finance Officer

Candidates: 2

John McIntyre

As Finance officer I would like to…

  • Help coordinate and set up joint fundraising campaigns to allow the smaller sports in the Sports Union run their own fundraising more effectively. This could help increase the profile of smaller clubs in the sports union.
  • As well as making myself available to help the bigger clubs of the union with their fundraising. And hopefully growing to be most successful they can be. This could be by working closely with the sports unions current sponsors to see if they can help out.
  • Provide an in depth and fair budget allocation for all clubs.
  • Help out the smaller clubs do their finance applications if they need any assistance, as I have been part of two years of creating them with Lacrosse.

My experience I think is relevant to the role…

  • Previous Treasurer of the Strathclyde Lacrosse club: This helped to understand how the budget within the Sport Union function. This role entailed dealing with external sponsors so to attain as much funding to help the growth of the club. Through this role I also coordinated fundraising with charity such as; Glasgow City Mission.
  • Current President of the Strathclyde Lacrosse club: This is a leading role in the Strathclyde lacrosse committee, organising functions, meeting and funding. This involves helping other committee members with their tasks as well as delegating. In addition to this working closely with the Sports Union to achieve the highest ClubMark award we can as a club.
  • Student in Mathematics
  • Scottish Student Sport chairperson for Lacrosse & Half-Blue award: This position is an example of how I use my keenness for sports in the fact that I was excited at the chance to help grow Lacrosse within Scotland Students. This achievement was awarded for my determination to become the best Lacrosse player I can be. I would like to continue to help grow all the sports within the Sports Union big and small.

Jonathan Lamont

Studying Maths, stats and finance has provided a strong knowledge of financial procedures furthered by currently organising the 39th annual grads day for Strathclyde hockey and other formal socials has provided me experience dealing with appropriate allocation of large sums of money, communication of large groups of people with different needs and organisation skills. Currently on my second year of Men’s Hockey committee and prior experience with being charity head at school has helped me value the need to be opinionated but not intimidating so that difficult decisions can be properly discussed from all angles for the better.

Ideas for change:

  1. More proactive, approachable and vocal on committees Facebook page before monthly meetings so that clubs can inquire any issues and receive help in person or over phone they may have.
  2. Making decisions with a wider looking view of the sports union financial state so that accurate and up to date decisions can be made for different situations.
  3. Expand charity integration along with offering help to smaller clubs highlighting ways they can get the best interaction and return.
Publicity Officer

Candidates: 1

Mollie Miller-Smith

Current Inclusion & Wellbeing Officer on the Sports Executive and Vice Captain of Strath Equestrian.

Sponsorship Officer

Candidates: 1

Iona Macintyre-Beon

Ideas to implement:

  • Reach out to successful athletes (through personal contacts) and maximising sponsorship opportunities with them.
  • Ensuring these greater links provide assistance to all clubs.
  • Provide drop-in sessions and being available to meet with clubs if they need any support with sponsorship.

Personal skills and experience relevant to the role:

  • Being on sports exec last year has provided me with a sound understanding as to how the Sports Union and all 53 clubs function.
  • Working closely with the finance officer gave me the opportunity to see first hand how money is allocated throughout Strathclyde Sports.
  • I was able to secure a top sponsor for Sports Ball 2019. Now I want to be the one negotiating deals.
  • In addition, I have been one of two managers for Wildcats hockey club annual summer camp. This will be my 5th year doing so. This has allowed me to work with large amounts of money, and grow relationships with sponsors, as well as up keeping constant communication with a large group of people.
  • Finally, by having a personal sporting sponsor I understand from an inside view how important it is to grow relationships to enhance strategic opportunity through sponsorships.
Wellbeing Officer

Candidates: 3

Anna Aasund

I’m a 4th year Electrical and Mechanical Engineering student and President of the Handball Club since 2017. This past year I have also been coaching the team, so I have a lot of experience in motivating students to play and enjoy sports. Having had personal experience with mental health problems, both with myself and others close to me, I know how important sports can be to support mental health and general wellbeing, especially in students. I already have a good insight in Strathclyde’s Counselling, and Disability and Wellbeing Services, and the past year I’ve completed both the “Look After Your Mate” and “Concussion Awareness” workshops.

With over 200 hours of volunteering since September, I know that I am both willing and able to put the work in the make a difference in the Sports Union. For the next year I would like to improve awareness among Sports Club Committees on how to support their members’ mental health. I believe that courses such as “Look After Your Mate”, and Mental Health First Aid, should be prioritised among USSU members, and especially those of us on committees. I would also like for the Sports Union to take an active part in mental health events held by the Disability and Wellbeing Services, such as the University Mental Health day.

Kirsty MacIver

Mental health is a cause close to my heart and I am exceptionally passionate about it. I lead and promoted the mental health charity SAMH within netball, raising around £800 individually, the most in the club and just over £8,000 with the club. I was secretary for my previous Volleyball club allowing me to develop my organisational skills which I am ready to bring to the role of Wellbeing Officer. I play a large role in Strathclyde Netball,always willing and eager to help out at every opportunity, whether it be helping with our sponsors or organising fundraisers. I have experienced and enjoyed the benefits of sport on my personal wellbeing by participating in two BUCS teams- BUCS 1s in Volleyball and BUCS 3s for netball. I want to work closer with Strathclyde Union to implement better mental health support and information for individuals.

Additionally, I want to promote recreational sport as an opportunity to build and maintain social relationships to improve the overall wellbeing and mental health of students at Strathclyde. Run additional come and try sessions throughout the year, such as in refreshers week to reduce anxiety when first attending a sport session and increase participation. Improve access to Recreational Sport by incorporating more sports into the StrathActive regime. Promote Equality within the Sports Union by extending FOCUSports clubs to provide support services to student teams competing at the highest level of BUCS, including smaller clubs such volleyball and handball and possibly non-BUCs Clubs. Promote inclusion within the Sports Union by reducing economic barriers to sport such as Strathclyde Sport costs for training sessions and transport costs for outdoor sports who train at facilities such as Stepps. Offer workshops to improve overall wellbeing of athletes such as First Aid courses and mental health workshops such as the mindfulness workshop. Improve wellbeing of athletes by extending physiotherapy opportunities for Sports Clubs.

I am approachable and open to suggestions and new ideas from clubs and individuals in order to best improve wellbeing at Strathclyde.

Robyn Scott

Being a captain of the Strathclyde Warriors this year has highlighted an issue that I would like to address by being your Well-being Officer. Mental health and well-being is as important as physical health and if I was elected into this role I would start a programme which can support students suffering any illnesses, family problems or other issue that can limit their ability to be involved in university sport. Having restrictive health conditions can often leave students feeling isolated and unable to participate but I would like to give them the opportunity to get involved in sport at Strathclyde. I feel I would be able to successfully execute an effective plan with enthusiasm by using my own experience as the driving force.



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