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Safety Abroad

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The intention of the below information is to provide students from the University of Strathclyde participating in trips abroad with guidance, in such a way as to keep safe and manage their affairs to minimise risk and liability in the unfortunate event of an individual having an accident.


Passports, Visas & Travel Insurance

If travelling abroad it is each participant’s responsibility to ensure they have current and valid passports and visas for the country they are visiting, details on which countries require visas can be found at

Participants should also be responsible for purchasing their own travel insurance and ensuring it is adequate for their needs. This is advised for all overseas trips, especially on Winter Sports trips where medical treatment may be private.

Please note, for the avoidance of doubt, insurance from Sports Union membership does not provide cover medical care when abroad, nor when taking part in activity outwith auspices of the Sports Union, University or Students’ Association.

All participants are urged to take out their own personal injury policy. Obviously there is inherent risk in undertaking any sport but please ask questions of yourself when thinking about taking part in your sport, like if you were to lose the use of a limb how would that affect your career prospects? If you are studying for engineering for example and you lost the use of a hand that could be detrimental to your studies and eventual career path. For a relatively small fee you can take out your own personal injury and accident insurance that will cover you should the worst happen.


Global Health Insurance Card

Formally known as EHIC, all participants must now ensure they have a valid Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) when travelling abroad. This card entitles you to reduced cost (or sometimes fee) state-provided healthcare where treatment becomes medically necessary during a temporary visit to other countries of the European Economic Area or Switzerland. It gives you access to treatment under the same terms as people who live in the country you are visiting. Please visit for more information.


Risk Assessment

Risk assessment attempts to highlight some of the risks associated with your respective sport, and to suggest how control measures may be put in place. Participants should contact the Activity Leader to request a copy of the club risk assessment.


Participant Responsibilities

Participants should note however that everyone has a responsibility for safety to some extent. As a group member therefore you have a responsibility to report any dangerous occurrences or accidents you are made aware of so that these are included in next year’s risk assessment. Similarly participants have a responsibility to make the trip organisers aware of any medical conditions which may affect their abilities in this sport.

Safe participation in all sport is very important. If you have any medical condition or previous injury that may affect your safe participation you must consult your GP to obtain medical clearance. Prior to any activity participants have a responsibility to inform activity leaders (in confidence) with regards to any medical condition.

By being taking part in sporting activity you may be participating in activities which involve an above average element of risk, in an environment where professional medical and rescue services may not always be immediately available.

It is the participants responsibility to ensure that they fully understand the exact nature of each activity they undertake, the risks involved, the skill levels required and the equipment needed for their safe participation.

Participants should ensure that they never take part in any activity where they are unsure of any of the above aspects. It is the participants responsibility to notify their next of kin of their desire to participate in the sport before engaging in the activity.


Emergency Procedures

All University of Strathclyde sports clubs adopt USSU’s Emergency Procedures for all club activity. These procedures identified below should be followed in the event of a SERIOUS ACCIDENT or MAJOR INCIDENT involving club participants whilst on a club activity, trip, tour or holiday.

If your club has a minor accident, non-life threatening injury to a participant or has incurred damage to a hired vehicle/piece of club equipment – all which DO NOT involve contacting the Emergency Services, please complete an Accident Report Form and return to the Club Captain/President as soon as possible. You are not required to use the Emergency Procedures in such instances as these.

Definition: A serious accident or major incident is one which results in people being killed, detained in hospital, arrested or rescued.

To view the Emergency Procedures visit our policies & procedures page. 


Further information

For more information on health & safety guidelines and resources please visit our policies & procedures page. 

Website design by Elliot Parker.