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Strathclyde students enjoying a night in The Venue, smiling at the camera and holding drinks.

We run events year-round where you can let loose, let go, just throw a couple shapes and put your skills on show.

What's occurring?

Join us on September 19th for the biggest Pub Crawl Yet! 


We will be joined by @strathais @strathchemeng @dmem_society @ewb_strathclyde @hpfstrath @maesa.strath @strathseds for a night aimed at networking, drinking and building relationships between engineers and wannabe Engineers alike. 


We will be starting at the union for an introduction to each society and a brief 'who's who' within the engineering societies. Our first stop will be the Ark - a modern bar just round the corner from the uni; moving then to Katies Bar - a cool basement bar popular with students; with the next stop being Revolution to keep the drinks going; then to the Howling Wolf - a contemporary US Style bar; finally finishing with bunker which has crazy drink discounts. There will be an opportunity afterwards for those who wish to stay on to go clubbing aftwards. 


We encourage anyone interested in either meeting new people or socialising in the pub to come along.


Any queries please message engwithbeers_strath on Instagram. We look forward to seeing you there.


As with all our events there is no pressure or requirement to consume alcohol, please act responsibly and stay in groups.

Event hosted by Engineers With Beers Strathclyde


Tuesday 19 September 2023


7pm - 11:59pm


The Terrace

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