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Students painting and smiling

Saudi Students Society

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About us

  • The Saudi students’ society aims to:
  • to provide a friendly atmosphere that brings all Saudi students and their families together,
  • to help fresh students to settle down,
  • and proudly share our culture, traditions and identity with other students from the entire world, this could happen through social activities and events.
  • to arrange different programs and scientific meetings, which enhance post and undergraduates’ studies and achievement,
  • to promote interactions between students and the university.
  • Please join Saudi Students Society in Strathclyde, and we will try to do everything for our members to ensure that you will enjoy your time in Strathclyde. 



Public Relationships & Social Media Director


  • This group doesn't have any committee members. Watch out for the next election and you could get involved!


Vice President


There are no current news articles.

Sign Up


There are no events scheduled right now. Why not get in touch with the group to suggest something?




Ready to join?

Get your membership now and be part of Saudi Students Society.


  • Saudi Students Society Standard Membership£0.00