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Introducing the 2023/24 Sports Executive


Another election season has come and gone! We applaud all of the candidates who ran in the 2023 Sports Union Executive elections and say thank you to all the students who voted. 

So who will make up the 23/24 Sports Union Executive? Introducing…


Sports Union President             Molly McHugh 

Vice President                                Alice Warren 

Awards Officer                               Alfie Memmott 

Finance Officer                              Sophie Shepherd 

Wellbeing Officer                         Scotty Reeves 

Inclusion Officer                           Rachel Brogan 

Governance Officer                    Andrew Tait 

Publicity Officer                           Christopher Boyle 

Events Officer                                Anna Edvaldsson 

Executive Officers                       Ava Hamilton & Freya Riddell 


We’ve spoken with each member of the new committee and share with you their reasons for running and what they enjoy most about being part of the Sports Union. Read on to also learn more about the Exec’s plans for the upcoming year.


The 23/24 Sports President was announced on March 10, during the Strathclyde Student’s Union general elections. Molly McHugh steps into the role with a commitment to promoting student participation, inclusion and the development of the Sports Union.

Her manifesto aims to re-establish a participation fund, create a kit bank and a club development toolkit, increase Strathclyde Student’s Union sponsorship opportunities and further develop the StrathActive program. Molly said: “I ran for Sports President to learn more about the Sports Union and work with a variety of different people.” 

Molly is studying Biochemistry and Immunology at Strath. This past year she was the Club President of women’s basketball. “I enjoy the community and support you find in a sports club at Strath, plus the socials are pretty great too.”

Outside of sports Molly enjoys baking and shares that: “I can juggle, so if all else fails, I can join the circus.” 


The results of the Sports Union Exec elections were announced during the AGM on March 28.


Alice Warren will be supporting Molly in her role as Vice President. She said: “I had friends partake in the Sports Executive Committee before me that spoke highly of it. The role interested me as sports has been a huge part of my time here at university and I wanted to make my own contribution. I want to ensure that Molly is supported in achieving the aims outlined in her manifesto, but it's also important we focus on increasing student engagement with sports and the Union overall.” 

Alice is a member of the Strathclyde Rowing Club and the Lacrosse Club. She said: “Aside from physical activity, I enjoy the social aspect of sports. It’s how I met most of my friends here at university.”Alice studies Immunology and Pharmacology at Strath. Her favorite pastime outside of sports is sitting down with a good book. 


The new Sports Exec committee members will be fully active in their roles as of the end of June. 


Alfie Memmott was elected Awards Officer. He said: “I wanted to be part of the Sports Exec because I was keen to have a larger role within the sports union after being a part of the basketball committee this year.”

In his role, Alfie hopes to lead and build a fair and organised awards committee, responsible for rewarding clubs and individuals who have excelled in sports. He said: “I will be available to provide information to clubs regarding the awards process and will aid with all other sports union initiatives.” 

Alfie studies Aero-Mechanical Engineering at Strath. He was 1st Captain of the Men’s Basketball team and also plays for the Glasgow Devils. He has recently been selected to play for the SSS National Squad. He shared: “ I enjoy the competitive nature of basketball and the rewards that come from putting in effort and working hard. I also really enjoy the social aspect of basketball and play with my best mates daily.” 

Alfie loves to ski and outside of sports he enjoys buying records, restoring classic cars and going to the pub. When asked what was one thing he wanted the Sports Union community to know about him, he said: “My go-to karaoke song is Dance Wiv Me by Dizzee Rascal and also I’ve been humbled from stalling on the motorway.” 


Sophie Shepherd was elected Finance Officer and she shared: “I ran because I wanted to be more involved in the Sports Union outside of basketball.” Sophie plans to work towards the fair allocation of Sports Union funds as well as prioritising club growth. 

Sophie is a member of the women’s basketball club at Strath, and will be Club President next year. “I enjoy game days at strath sport the most and only second to that is wednesday night karaoke at the Union. If you should know one thing about me, it's that I know all the words to Shine by Take That. ” 

Sophie studies Biomed engineering and her favorite pastime outside of sports is grabbing a pint at the Union. 


Andrew Tait was elected Governance Officer and shared: “I wanted to be on sports exec as working in sports is what I want to do in the future. I'd love to make a positive impact here at Strathclyde while I can. I hope to be in constant communication with all sports clubs and provide any support where I can.”

Andrew studies Sport and Physical Activity at Strathclyde. He said: “Pretty much all I do is sports! Next year will be my second year as the President of Strathclyde Volleyball Club. I love the speed of volleyball, it's always chaos, trying to control that chaos. No other sport like it!” Outside of sports Andrew enjoys getting his rest, watching his comfort shows or listening to music. 


Rachel Brogan will step into the Inclusion Officer position on the Sports Exec next year. She shared: “I wanted to help give back to the Sports Union and make it even more welcoming than it currently is. I want people to enjoy sports at Strath as much as I do.” 
“As it’s the first year of this role my main goal is to create an action plan of how Sports can be more inclusive at Strath for everyone, I’d also love to organise inclusion events throughout the year to raise awareness of different minorities within sports.” 

Rachel is a member of the basketball club and enjoys the team aspect of sports the most. “I’ve always played team sports and I love the family atmosphere you get from it.” She studies Product Design Engineering and in her free time enjoys going to the gym. “If the Sports Union members had to know one thing about me, it would be that I am a massive fan of musicals.” 


Anna Evaldsson will join the exec as the next Events Officer. She studies Mathematics, Statistics and Accounting at Strath and is a member of the Netball club. “Netball is such a fast paced sport so when we get a turnover and can capitalise on it to get it quickly to the shooters, it’s really exciting. I’ve made so many friends and memories of being part of the SU and I really wanted to give back since it’s given so much to me.”

“I have a lot of passion to bring to the role so if I can build on the previous events and create new experiences for students then I’ll be happy.” Outside of sports, Anna enjoys a hill walk but preferably when it's sunny. She wants students to know that; “I’m a karaoke fiend so if there’s a microphone, I’m there.” 


Ava Hamilton and Freya Riddell will take on the Executive Officer positions on the committee. Ava is a member of the equestrian and snow sports clubs at Strath. She shared: “The best part about being involved in sport and both of these clubs is meeting new people who have similar interests to you. Also, it is a great group of people to be around!”

“I wanted to become part of the Sports Executive team as it allows me to work closely with the Sports Union and help provide support to different sports clubs. Within my role, I hope to achieve a good new relationship with the new kit supplier for all clubs as well as having good attendance and minutes of the SU GMs throughout the year.”

Ava really enjoys traveling and walking when she has free time. She shared: “Something to know about me is that I am super competitive.”

Freya is also a member of the Equestrian club and shared: “ The best part of being a part of the equestrian club, affectionately known as ‘Ponies’, is definitely the people I’ve met. Everyone was so welcoming when I first joined!” 

“I wanted to be a part of the Sports Executive to have a better understanding of how the Sports Union is run and work closer with the legends who run it! Within my role on the Exec, I hope to work with Ava on our goals of building  a good relationship with the new kit provider and providing accurate minutes at all Sports Union GMs to ensure everyone is kept in the loop.”

Freya studies Maths and outside of sports enjoys traveling and karaoke. “A fun fact about me is that I was born on Christmas Day!” 



Returning to their posts on the Sports Exec for a second year are Scotty Reeves as Wellbeing Officer and Christopher Boyle as Publicity Officer. 

Scotty shared: “I wanted to be a part of the Sports Executive again this year as I thoroughly enjoyed my time on it last year and I wanted to continue what I had set out to do. I hope to put well-being into the spotlight and show everyone at Strath that the Sports Union takes well-being seriously and we are always here to help with your needs.”

Scotty is a member of the Lacrosse club and plans on branching out to other sports like hockey. Outside of university, he enjoys scuba diving, going out with friends and spontaneous road trips. He studies History and Politics. “I would like everyone to know that I am manager at Maccies and can get a Mccraking discount!”


Christopher shared: “I want to be involved with the Sport Union Executive to have more involvement with the Union and supporting the many clubs. My aim for next year is to help increase the membership of clubs through marketing and club promotion.” 

Christopher is involved with the Athletics, Ultimate Frisbee and Volleyball clubs. “ I enjoy socialising with good people, whilst also staying active.” He studies Education Studies at Strath and enjoys watching Martin Lewis in his free time.