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News Article

Exec Statement - Access to Sexual Health Services

A joint statement from the 21/22 and 22/23 Strath Exec teams on Roe v Wade and Access to Sexual Health Services in Glasgow

ExecfeaturednewsstatementStudent Exec

In light of the shocking ruling from the Supreme Court of the United States in regards to the overturning of the Roe v. Wade ruling on access to reproductive health procedures, we in the Strath Student Exec are aware that a number of our students are concerned, upset, and feeling unsafe. We hear you and stand with you. If any student is feeling concerned or upset in their ability to access these necessary health treatments and wishes to discuss these feelings in a safe and non-judgemental space, or if you are needing to access reproductive health services and are struggling to find where to go, please reach out to our Advice Hub at and they can advise you on how to proceed and discuss your options for accessing support.

In response to this ruling, we are aware that there has been an increase in political activity outside sexual health treatment centres in Glasgow. We want to ensure that all of our students who need to access treatment are comfortable and safe to do so and will be seeking to trial a volunteer buddy system for those needing accompanied to these treatment centres. More information will be released on this as this service is developed, however if you have any questions in the interim please direct them to and we will endeavour to get back to you and answer any relevant and appropriate inquiries as soon as we can.

This ruling has had, and will continue to have, massive consequences to reproductive health treatments, the places that offer them, and those who need to access them - possibly causing a domino effect for reproductive rights across the globe. The Strath Union Student Executive stands against this decision, and the underlying beliefs that led to this decision, in the strongest terms. We also wish to voice our condemnation of those who harass and intimidate those people who choose to access these services - often out of necessity - and urge any student at Strathclyde who shares our beliefs on this to voice them. This is a time where we, as a community, need to be open and loud about our stance and offer genuine support and compassion for those who are struggling at this time. Be loud, be proactive, and be there for your friends, family, and colleagues.

Thank you,

The Strath Union Student Executive Team (2021-2022)

The Strath Union Student Executive Team (2022-2023)