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News Article

Student Exec Statement


We as an exec want to extend our support for and stand together with, the Black Lives Matter movement. The murder of George Floyd has appalled us, but we also recognise that his death is just one of countless who have died due to systematic racism across the world. We will work to ensure that our community at Strath Union is safe for our black students. We will continue to call for the decolonisation of the Strathclyde curriculum and will work to incorporate anti-racism into our ethos. 


During this time we encourage you as students to be mindful of your privilege and how it affects those around you, listen to and lift up the black voices around you, donate to bail funds where possible, stream to raise money, sign petitions, email your MPs, support your local black creators, and work together to dismantle systematic racism & oppression.


As student executives, we have seen how issues of racial inequality affect students of colour and we believe that this presents a huge demand for radical action across our campus. Therefore we make the following requests of the university.

    • Improve the University BAME staff ratio.

    • Work to close the BAME attainment gap.

    • Decolonise the Curriculum.

    • Use equality impact assessments in all policy development.

    • Explore Strathclyde’s link to slavery and colonialism.

    • Provide welfare & mental health support for students in the BAME community.  


If you would like to help please find resources below on petitions, donations and information.



Stream to donate: 






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