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Mature Student's Rep Job Role

Mature Students’ Rep

The Mature Students’ Representative promotes inclusivity on campus, is a spokesperson for all students that are 21 years old or over at the start of their first degree. The Mature Students’ Rep sits on the Strathclyde Students’ Union Welfare Committee and attends Student Parliament. The Rep is responsible for organising a minimum of one campaign or project per semester that champions mature students’ issues and raises awareness with the wider student body and local community.

The Rep directly reports to the Vice President Welfare and works closely together with the VP Inclusion, the Student Exec and the Mature Students’ Association on campaigns concerning students identifying as mature.

The Rep must self-define as a mature student enrolled at Strathclyde University.

Term: March to March (exact dates TBC)

Honorarium: £600 (paid in installments at the end of semesters 1 and 2)

Time Commitment: approx. 3 hours per week during semester

This role will:

  1. Represent the voice of mature students within the Union.
  2. Identify issues relevant to mature students.
  3. Run campaigns championing mature student issues.
  4. Canvass mature student opinion to be aware of common problems and concerns and where these exist ensure that Union Executive Committee/ Student Parliament are made aware of these.
  5. Ensure that the needs of mature students are reflected through the activities of the Union.
  6. Attend all relevant training, conferences and conventions that are relevant to the remit of this position.

An honorarium will be awarded when:

  1. The rep led a campaign/project that champions mature students’ issues on campus
  2. The rep attends the Welfare Committee meetings in the semester or has provided an appropriate reason for non-attendance. 
  3. The rep has attended Student Parliament or provided an appropriate reason for non-attendance

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