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Candidate for the position of Vice President Sport

Image for Anssi Vilpponen

Anssi Vilpponen


In a world with no lifting belts,

At a gym with only one weight bench

Where lifting straps are conspicously absent...

There is one friendly neighbourhood lad you can turn to!

Strathclyde Sport, while being a terrific sports facility, has some deficiencies in its equipment inventory, and I intend to fix them. What I intend to accomplish is to have Strathclyde Sport supplied with...

  1. At least one additionally weight bench specifically designated for bench pressing
  2. Lifting belts for people of different sizes
  3. A bunch of lifting straps

I aspire to get these equipment provided to Strathclyde Sport in order to encourage students at Strathclyde to try out powerlifting, weightlifting, bodybuilding and any training variant for which said equipment can be utilized. 

These are, of course, just the deficincies I've observed personally and, having heard from some fellow students, they are more numerous than that. I encourage you to point them out to me so that we can tackle the issues together! 

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