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Person holding up Strath Union "Vote" poster in front of their face.


Candidate for the position of Faculty Rep Humanities and Social Sciences

Image for Emily McIlhatton

Emily McIlhatton

Someone who keeps Humanities at Heart for students at Strathclyde.

Hi, I'm Emily standing to become your Faculty Representative in the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty, thereafter HaSS! Below is a brief manifesto showing my objectvies for the full version visit my facebook page

My main objectives:

  1. Work on a class rep manual with the Faculty to support the Class Reps so they have the skills and information to be the best voice for the students.
  2. Work with the faculty team to encourage collaborative work to better the faculty and through the Faculty Student Experience Committee. 
  3. Ensure the transition to the new learning and teaching building is successful for everyone by creating a Faculty level email update for all students twice a semester surrounding representation issues.
  4. Work with the Union particularly through setting up a drop-in session system in which faculty reps and the VP Education will provide help and assistance to class reps once a month.
  5. Work on expanding the class rep report tool on Myplace to include a feature to send a message to faculty or department reps which they monitor.

I was the Faculty Representative for HaSS between 2017 and 2019 andworked at the Union as part of the Representation Team on Level 7 these previous connections will highly benefit me. I am currently on an exchange year in Norway where I have worked as a representative in a student organisation and want to apply this new knowledge to the role.

I really hope I can count on your vote as someone who keeps humanities at heart to better the lives of students at Strathclyde!

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