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Candidate for the position of NUS Scotland Conference Delegate

Image for Chelbi Hillan

Chelbi Hillan

Representing student needs at a national level and through effective campaigning!

I have been an NUS delegate for the past year and have found that contributing to their discussions and conferences has empowered me to be an even better member of your student executive team. As you Vice President Education, I communicate with all of the representatives at University of Strathclyde and have a deep understanding of the issues currently faced by students. This allows me to be informed in my discussion and helps me highlight problems students are having when I attend these events. Being a sabbatical officer means I work very closesly with NUS Soctland as we have bi-weekly meetings and lobbying events to enocurage the government to reconsider strategy to better support you (our students)! 

NUS Scotland conference is one of my favourite events of the year as I come away feeling truly inspired after collaborating with other activist students. If elected again I will continue to use the NUS conferences to inspire my work here at Strathclyde and improve your student experience.

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