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Candidate for the position of Mature Students' Rep

Image for Asha Treesa Joseph

Asha Treesa Joseph

Old dog-New tricks! Not old just chronologically gifted! Aleader empowering lifelong learners.

As mature students, we bring unique perspectives, life experiences, and a wealth of knowledge to the classroom. Our election manifesto is focused on empowering our fellow older students, promoting the value of lifelong learning, and making the most of our time at university.

  1. Inclusivity: We believe that diversity enriches the university experience, and we will work to create a supportive and inclusive environment for all older students.

  2. Lifelong Learning: We understand the importance of continuing education and will promote the value of learning throughout our lives.

  3. Representation: We will be the voice for mature students, ensuring that our needs and concerns are heard and addressed by university administrators.

  4. Opportunities: We will work to provide opportunities for older students to get involved on campus, connect with peers, and develop new skills.

  5. Balance: We understand that many older students have multiple responsibilities, and we will work to balance the demands of university life with work, family, and other commitments.

  6. Support: We will provide support and resources for older students to succeed academically and personally.

  7. Advocacy: We will advocate for policies and initiatives that benefit older students and promote the value of lifelong learning.

  • We as mature student are here for a reason, with our belief we can do better and have so much to offer. I invite my fellow mature students to join in this mission and support my candidacy!!
  • Put your votes for Asha Treesa Joseph, M.Sc International Banking and Finance!!!

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