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Candidate for the position of Mature Students' Rep

Image for Tushar Tapan Das

Tushar Tapan Das

Every year, thousands of mature students choose to pursue higher education, and although they may face different challenges than their younger peers, they are an integral part of the university experience. It is essential that mature students needs are taken into account and that their voices are heard. So i will like to be the median between the mature students and the University as i feel we should be given a voice in decisions that affect mature students, so that their interests are fully heard and incorporated into considerations.

I should be able to bring forward any issues that mature students may face, such as difficulties with financing their studies, managing their studies alongside other commitments, and dealing with ageism.

I should also be able to act as a link between the student body and the university administration, so that effective solutions can be devised for any issues that arise.

In addition, I should be responsible for creating a sense of community among mature students, as well as promoting their achievements. This could involve highlighting their successes and organising events to celebrate them.

By implementing me as a mature student representative, the university would be demonstrating its commitment to mature students and taking a step towards creating a more equal, inclusive, and welcoming environment.

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