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Student Parliament 2

Meet your Executive and Non-Executive Officers, find out their priorities, and have your say at Student Parliament!

What's occurring?

NOTE: This meeting is now taking place ONLINE ONLY

Student Parliament is open to all students to attend and submit agenda items for discussion. A beginners guide to student Parliament can be found HERE

The papers for this meeting are below: 

A consolidated version of the papers can be found HERE

If you wish to attend the meeting in person, you need to reserve a space by getting a free 'In Person' ticket. Numbers will be limited to the capacity of the room with distancing. You will be required to sanitise on entry and will be required to wear a facemask, unless you have an exemption. We would also encourage attendees to take a rapid lateral flow either the night before or the morning of the event. If you experience COVID symptoms or have been told to isolate, please do not attend the meeting. 

If you wish to attend the meeting virtually, you just need to register your interest by selecting the Student option - we will send the Zoom to the email you used to register for a ticket around 30 minutes before the meeting. Registration will close 30 minutes before the start time. 

Strath Union's Executive & Non-Executive Officers will be attending Parliament, so this is a great chance for you to ask them about what they're working on and have your say. You can contact your Exec HERE and your Non-Exec HERE

If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us at

Event hosted by Strathclyde Students' Union


Thursday 28 October 2021


5pm - 6:30pm



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