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Strathclyde students enjoying a night in The Venue, smiling at the camera and holding drinks.

We run events year-round where you can let loose, let go, just throw a couple shapes and put your skills on show.

What's occurring?

If there's anything we can do to make our meetings more accessible or otherwise help you feel comfortable, just get in-touch!

What's the agenda?

Every week we cover the following:
  • Our fundraising progress
  • Upcoming events
  • Volunteering opportunities
  • Current Mary's Meals campaigns
  • Chat & hang-out

Then, each week has a theme which links to our charity's work.

This week's topic is: Black History Month
  • We will be looking at how colonisation has left many countries in a heavily impoverished state & how things like 'white saviourism' perpetuate the racist attitudes that largely came around during colonialism.
    • Please note: the committee's plans do not include going into any significant detail of the events of colonialism, nor any detail of any violence: rather, we want this session to be about recognising Britain (& the West)'s past, the remaining impacts today (focussing on the elements behind Mary's Meals work- food insecurity & limited educational opportunities), & what we can do to change things
  • We want to have an open discussion about the issues in question & we want to emphasise that our society, & every meeting, is an open & inclusive space where we hope people can feel able to speak up about anything we (the committee) can do better
  • If any student (or staff member) who is Black, or from a country with a history of colonisation, would like to actively take part in the meeting, (e.g. by providing feedback on the committee's proposed meeting content beforehand, or by speaking about your experiences, or just anything at all) please do just get in-touch with us- we'd love to have your input


  • Movie time! After the meeting, we will watch a halloween movie (not a scary one though, don't worry)- movie choice to be confirmed

  • Before the meeting you will also find us on the concourse with our bake sale!


Upcoming meeting dates

14th November, 28th November, 9th January, 23rd January, 6th February, 20th February, 6th March, 20th March

Meeting powerpoints will be posted in our society resources & our Facebook group for members to access- so don't worry if you miss a meeting. If you're not a member, but would like the powerpoint slides for a meeting, just let us know.

Event hosted by Mary's Meals


Monday 31 October 2022


6:30pm - 7:30pm


Mandela Auditorium

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